Saturday, August 28, 2010

Busy as a Bee!

Wow! I had forgotten what it was like to be teaching all day everyday. Anyways, I did make it through my first three days! I won't be posting detailed descriptions of my classes and students to protect everyone's privacy, but I can give some basic information.
With the Elementary I am teaching grades K-8 Music and Spanish. The 7-8 grade class just broke out their instruments on Friday and we had a great time playing through some of their music from last year. The 5-6 class is holding off on Band till we get the 5th graders all on an instrument. The 1-2 and 3-4 grades are helping to warm my heart! It's so great to be able to teach a variety of ages.  The smiles from the youngsters help the odd looks from the High School students to not seem so bad!
High School presents some unique challenges with the type of environment at our school. Half of the school population are from foreign countries. Lets see I have students from Korea, China, Ghana, Ethiopia, Puerto Rico, and I can't remember where else at the moment. Choir is beginning to take shape, and we will hopefully begin to start rehearsing some great music. I have some enthusiastic new band members who aren't not only new to the United States, but are new to playing an instrument! I have my work cut out for me, but am blessed to have God helping me. I'm sure I couldn't do it on my own.

If you have any specific questions just ask... I may not respond right away (especially if it's during the week), but I'll do my best.

With Love,


1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! It sounds like your classes are starting off well, but I am sure you have challenges too with all the age groups. We have been praying for you and hoping you are having fun!!
