Saturday, February 5, 2011

Things I love about Saturday!

Saturday's can sometimes be a bummer. It always seems like everyone is out and about, and I'm stuck in Lustre doing school work. I normally arrive at the elementary by 10:00am. I let myself sleep in before getting to work. I work on lesson planning for 4 or 5 hours , take an afternoon break, then go to the high school for a few hours to prepare for the week. Eventually, I head home, make supper and relax for a few hours before going to bed. In my mission to think positively about my life and what's going on, today I decided to look for things that I could be thankful for.

I love to watch movies or in today's case, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, while I'm working. I'm one of those individuals who likes background noise while I'm working, as long as it's not distracting.

I love Classics for Kids! I visit the website at least twice a month for lesson ideas and their radio shows.

I love simple comforting meals while I'm working. Today I had egg salad with crackers.

I Love the fact that I'm safe and warm.

I love to take mini breaks and play some music. I even played my clarinet today, working through Brahms Sonata No. 1 in F Minor. 

If you wonder why I was carrying around a heart, I was in the middle of decorating my door at the grade school. It's not finished but I took a picture anyways. Have a great Sunday and enjoy the Super Bowl!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Pictures

I'm too tired to write. Here's some pictures of winter life in Montana, although I'm happy to have the snow over the ice!
I refuse to take down my Christmas lights. Every time we get more snow, I hope my window isn't snowed shut. It's my only view outside in my whole apartment!
Day view from my window. 

See my window!

Road View Sunset

 Sidewalk to my neighbors.

Proof of the deer walking around the yard looking for food. It's so sad. :-(

My white winter photo.

P.S. Thanks for the Cheese Curds Ron and Cathy Rife!