Friday, September 17, 2010


Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile, I've been busy! The past week has been a little discouraging. I'm having some issues figuring out how to make everything work and some classroom problems as well. But, with the grace of God and those who are here to help, I'm making it. I'm hoping that I'll be able to move past "just surviving" this year. I have to remind myself that I'm still in my first month. I have a lot of time to build relationships with the students and to grow as a teacher.
I did have an interesting surprise today. I knew today was going to be cold, so I bundled up this morning in an actual coat. First surprise was when I felt in my pockets I found 4 quarters and a dogie poop bag. (The poop bag kinda made me sad though.) Later in the day, around 9:45, I was in the elementary for my planning period. I was walking out of the bathroom when a girl saw me and said "Miss Purdy, Miss Purdy... It's snowing!" I will admit my answer was "yeah right." Then when I opened my classroom door lo and behold IT WAS SNOWING! It's still technically summer and it's snowing. Granted it was flurries that didn't last very long, but I'm still in shock. I guess the farmer's almanac predicts that in Montana wet harvests = cold and snowy winters.
What did I get myself into?


  1. Wow! Snow! We are praying for you and hoping things don't get too stressful with classroom stuff. You are an amazing woman!

  2. Snow! It is 85 here and we bought the wrong deodorant -- and it's NOT WORKING! Going to Walmart (20 MIN away, ha, ha)to get some.
    Hopefully the poop bag was empty?

  3. SNOW!....ah...I was just thinking about it yesterday as I was cutting away the over-grown ivy off the sidewalk. A snow shovel gets hung up on the ivy so I was making a clear path for it in hopes of lots of snow. I love snow!!
