Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Game A Game!

So I was desperately wanting something sweet. I had lots of components but nothing that i could put together easily. I've been craving strawberries lately but I haven't been in town in over a week and I have to wait a little longer. Strawberries got me thinking of dessert crepes. I began a frantic search to see what I could do and the following picture is what I came up with. It looks disgusting, but it tasted pretty good (although strawberries would have really done the trick.)
Guess my five ingredients!


  1. My guesses are: sunflower seeds, coconut, strawberry jelly, peanut butter, and chocolate syrup. If the burrito shell counts, then the chocolate/peanut butter is Nutella.

  2. Ah, someone got to it first! :)
    I was going to say (before I read the above comment):
    tortilla, nutella, coconut, sunflower seeds, and chocolate syrup. But the strawberry jelly makes more sense.

  3. You're both too good!
    Here's the 5:
    Burrito tortilla
    Honey Roasted Sunflower seeds
    Shredded Coconut
    Homemade Cherry Syrup (from the Lady I will be getting my eggs from!)

    -Have a great night.

  4. You always were creative with your food, Casey! Nothing traditional about you :)

  5. You are right Casey, it does look pretty bad. Sometimes the things that look awful taste better then the fancy pretty things. I'm glad you are learning how to make due with what you have, if there is a will there is a way!!
