Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I've Moved

Wow! I never knew moving would be so much of an adventure! Mom, Dad, Ben, and I left for Montana on Saturday July 31st. The beginning of our journey was to drive to Cedar Rapids Iowa. In Indianapolis we had a minor hiccup. As we were turning around in the Anderson area (Mom missed the road she wanted us to take) the serpentine belt came off on the van. Ben had experience with this problem and we were able to safely make it to a gas station, get out of the rain, and try and fix it on our own. Ben had fixed it but for getting it around the last part when a guy beside us asked if we needed jumped. We explained the situation and he told us he was a mechanic. He took a look at it, then directed us to his house across the street and fixed it in his garage. I was amazed by how God intervened in this matter. After that we had no real issues with the vehicles.

The nest day we went from Cedar Rapids, Iowa to Minot, North Dakota. We drove about 11 hours. It was wonderful to watch the scenery change. In North Dakota we stayed at an interesting hotel and supported local business by eating supper at the Rolling Pin Restaurant.

On Monday we arrived in Lustre, Montana close to 1 pm Mountain time. We were greeted by a slew of people who were cleaning the school and my apartment. We went to the HS for some lunch, then helped them finish cleaning. I was so impressed with how hard working everyone was. It made me smile to know that I was not in the company of lazy people.
After a few hours we moved in all my boxes and began unpacking. We were invited over to the president of the HS's house to eat dinner. We were blessed by their hospitality. My parents and Ben still aren't sure what type of meat they ate. It might have been venison. 

By Tuesday we were unpacked and had things mostly together. The satellite TV man came and we went shopping in Glasgow after he was finished. I was forced to drive to town so that I can get used to traveling on gravel roads. Whew! I'm definitely not a fan of the roads. By the end of the trip the vibrations from the gravel was making me a little sick. I also struggled with grocery shopping because I've never had to stock my cupboards before. I was so blessed to be able to pay with money I received from others. It just reminds me that God provides for our needs, and I need only to trust Him!

Today was a little bittersweet. My parents and Ben left for home. I know that everything will be just fine, but I will miss the company of my friends and family dearly. For tomorrow and Friday, I am hoping to put in a half day at each school. I need to start preparing for the school year, and familiarizing myself with the materials and resources. I also hope to go to the Wadopana Pow Wow Celebration in Wolf Point and see a Rodeo at the Northeast Montana Fair in Glasgow this weekend. I wish it didn't cost about $8.00's in gas just to get to town though.

Here's a few more pictures of my new home. If you want to see all my pictures so far, look at my facebook, or just ask and I can send you a link.

Hope I didn't bore you! Keep in touch


  1. Of course you're not boring us- your fans want to hear about your new adventures!

  2. Sounds like people are pretty nice in your small community! I hope you can find some good friends out there. :) So exactly how far are these towns from you since it's $8 in gas!? lol

  3. Casey! It is so encouraging to read about your travels and how God has already shown Himself faithful to you! Wow. I'm so excited for you and happy about this awesome new phase of your life. Can't wait for more updates.
