Wow! I had forgotten what it was like to be teaching all day everyday. Anyways, I did make it through my first three days! I won't be posting detailed descriptions of my classes and students to protect everyone's privacy, but I can give some basic information.
With the Elementary I am teaching grades K-8 Music and Spanish. The 7-8 grade class just broke out their instruments on Friday and we had a great time playing through some of their music from last year. The 5-6 class is holding off on Band till we get the 5th graders all on an instrument. The 1-2 and 3-4 grades are helping to warm my heart! It's so great to be able to teach a variety of ages. The smiles from the youngsters help the odd looks from the High School students to not seem so bad!
High School presents some unique challenges with the type of environment at our school. Half of the school population are from foreign countries. Lets see I have students from Korea, China, Ghana, Ethiopia, Puerto Rico, and I can't remember where else at the moment. Choir is beginning to take shape, and we will hopefully begin to start rehearsing some great music. I have some enthusiastic new band members who aren't not only new to the United States, but are new to playing an instrument! I have my work cut out for me, but am blessed to have God helping me. I'm sure I couldn't do it on my own.
If you have any specific questions just ask... I may not respond right away (especially if it's during the week), but I'll do my best.
With Love,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Montana Weather
Wow Montana Weather blows my mind! Went to town today (Sat.) (and I totally forgot something I needed because I left my list in the car for the last stop) and on the way back I drove through some dust clouds. It was like thick fog but the wind was picking up all the dust into the air. It was a little scary! I feel like driving out here is helping me to grow up a little. I can't panic or I will get into more trouble.
Driving into the dust!
The wind was pretty ferocious all day, but around 7:00 it picked up again.
I took some video on my camera on the way back over from the HS but I couldn't get it to upload... oh well!
And then an hour later I'm blessed by a perfectly pink sunset!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Getting Ready!!
I'm excited and nervous about school starting this coming week. We have work days on Monday and Tuesday and school starts on Wednesday the 25th. In the HS the classes are shortened the first day. I'll have 26 mins. with the Choir and Band. Hopefully enough time to go through the syllabus and talk about plans for the year but not too much time that I'm scrambling for things to do. I also will be doing range checks with each choir student on Thursday and Friday, and have a choir pre-test for them to work on while I'm working with each individual student. I have music picked out to get started with for both groups, and we'll see how it goes from there.
With the elementary I have activities planned for the first day as well as the first Spanish lesson for Thursday classes. We will be working with numbers this week (because I know my numbers!).
See my El tran del abecedario.
And then I have Brain Teaser for the first day of school using the musical alphabet! Can you read it? Also another form of the musical alphabet is solfege (on the left.)
Well here's a few pictures of the classrooms. I can't really decorate the HS classroom because it's a multi-use room (it's used for Chapel on Thursday, some after-school activities, etc.)
My desk in the Elementary. Notice the chicken... I don't know where it came from, but I liked it.
The Music office.. it's a little disorganized but manageable.

Can you see which book of the Bible we are studying in Band and Choir this year! I'm excited, I know I need some more wisdom in my life right now.
Well thanks for reading. I could use your thoughts and prayers for this week especially.
With the elementary I have activities planned for the first day as well as the first Spanish lesson for Thursday classes. We will be working with numbers this week (because I know my numbers!).
See my El tran del abecedario.
And then I have Brain Teaser for the first day of school using the musical alphabet! Can you read it? Also another form of the musical alphabet is solfege (on the left.)
Well here's a few pictures of the classrooms. I can't really decorate the HS classroom because it's a multi-use room (it's used for Chapel on Thursday, some after-school activities, etc.)
My desk in the Elementary. Notice the chicken... I don't know where it came from, but I liked it.
The Music office.. it's a little disorganized but manageable.
Can you see which book of the Bible we are studying in Band and Choir this year! I'm excited, I know I need some more wisdom in my life right now.
Well thanks for reading. I could use your thoughts and prayers for this week especially.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Things I Take for Granted
Yesterday I made the trip into North Dakota to do some shopping. I wanted to get a few more dress clothes before school started, and I thought a trip to Wal-Mart would be fun. The three hour drive (both ways) was long but I had fun getting to listen to my own music with my new ipod (with the help of Ben's going away gift to me). I was jamming out the whole time and laughing at myself.
Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my will, and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.
Once I arrived in Williston, ND it was time to get to business. Shopping is not my favorite thing to do, but I knew this trip needed to be successful. I was successful and frugal and so excited that I got 3 dress shirts, a dress, a pair or jeans, and grey dress pants for about $50.00's! Nothing makes me feel better then getting great deals.
After spending more money at Wal-Mart and for lunch, I finally left Williston around 4:30 Montana time. On the way back I was a little bored and tired of driving. I talked to Mom and Dad for awhile, and Ben too, but spent probably an hour or so just thinking. I reflected on the trip and couldn't believe that I had to drive 3 hours for some nice clothing stores and to go to Wal-Mart. It made me think about all the things I've taken for granted. Wal-Mart is a given, but there are so many things that go deeper. For instance I was living at home but didn't spend as much quality time with my family as I should have. I didn't visit the grandmas very often and I probably didn't tell mom and dad that I loved them enough. I was selfish in taking "me time", instead of hanging out with friends later or longer than I wanted to. I don't want to live a life of regrets but this day trip showed me that my approach on life is not always healthy. So here's for some change! I want to enjoy living with what God provides, and be content in my situation. I also want to give others more of my time instead of being so selfish.
All day today I've been humming the melody to one of my favorite hymns, "Take My Life and Let It Be". Here are the verses. I hope it blesses you as it does with me.
Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King;
Take my lips, and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.
Always, only, for my King;
Take my lips, and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold:
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect, and use
Ev'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose.
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect, and use
Ev'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose.
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be,
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be,
Ever, only, all for Thee.
I had a great time at church today. I'm really beginning to feel welcomed especially when so much kindness has been shown to me.
Hope you are all having a great Sunday.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
New Experience and God's Faithfulness in the Storm
On Friday, I ventured out on my own to Wolf Point. I knew the Wadopana Celebration and Pow Wow was this weekend, but I wasn't sure when or where. I made a quick stop at the library and was able to get some information as well as a new library card. I learned that the Pow Wow started at 7:00. This meant I had two hours to kill. I spent some time talking with Ben since I finally had service. It was good to talk without my Internet connection slowing the conversation.
Eventually I began to drive around and search for the Pow Wow grounds. I followed the crowd and found the spot. Many of the tribal members camp out during the weekend celebrations.
It was neat to watch everyone getting ready, kids running around throwing dust (which they were scolded for... eventually), and to get a piece of frybread for my supper. The bread was like a large flat airy doughnut, that you could put powdered sugar, cinnamon, and honey on. The grand entry was scheduled for 7:30, so I took a peek at the beaded and stone necklaces they were selling. I was tempted but didn't buy anything because my tastes were too expensive. I didn't like the $5.00 ones because they looked too showy, but the $30.00 necklaces I loved.

Eventually I began to drive around and search for the Pow Wow grounds. I followed the crowd and found the spot. Many of the tribal members camp out during the weekend celebrations.
At 7:30 the grass dancers came out to bless the celebration. They danced to the singing of their tribe members and to the drums. After that all the dancers lined up and paraded into the area (which reminded me of a small horse arena) behind four flags. The US flag, the Canadian flag, the Tribal Flag, and the Wadopana banner. The dancers ranged from 2 to 70 or so, but they all danced the best they could. After the grand entrance there were several intertribal dances to feature different drumming and singing groups. The Fort Peck Indian Reservation consists of two separate tribes: the Sioux and the Assiniboine.
Unfortunately I couldn't stay very long because it was getting dark and I was worried about driving back home in the dark and on the gravel. Plus, the skies looked a little menacing. Right before I left they were honoring a young boy. Before he danced with his family they went over his genealogy. It was really neat to hear his heritage and how proud he seemed. The Native American culture holds on to their past and does not forget those who have passed before them. It was also neat to see this young boy dance with his grandpa, and all the tribe members came up to shake his hand and the hands of his family. I wish I saw this kind of respect and honor in our own culture more.
I left around 8:40. As I was driving out of town to Route 250, I noticed the clouds and that there was lighting in the distance. I took a picture before I left town, but it doesn't do the storm any justice.
As I continued driving I noticed that I was driving directly into the storm. I was driving almost due north and the storm was coming in from the northwest. I was a little nervous, especially with all the severe weather this part of Montana has been having recently. While it was still light enough to see I speed along on 250 at about 80 mphs. The speed limits 65 at night, but I didn't care, I just wanted to get home before the storm pounded down on me. The skies kept getting darker and darker and by the time I turned on the gravel (which is due West) I was driving straight into the storm. I love storms, but in an unfamiliar place and on an unfamiliar road with an unfamiliar texture (the gravel) I really was frightened. The lighting was so frequent that I was blinded many times. At one point I stopped in the middle of the road and just looked at my surroundings. The lightning flashes seemed to be around me in all directions. I prayed for God's protection and asked Him to hold off the rain. As I was driving the 25 mins. on gravel I sang hymns in a slightly shaky voice. As I pulled into the drive for my school/home, the sprinkles turned into a light rain.
I was so impressed with how I was able to make it through the storm and how God was faithful in keeping me calm. When I walked into my apartment my heart was beating quickly. One of my neighbors saw that I had returned and told me that we had a Tornado watch and that wind gusts were being recorded up to 60 mphs. I looked at him thinking "Yeah.. I know. I just drove through it." Anyways, I'm safe and sound and am getting a little more comfortable with the roads now.
Adios. (sorry I'm not sure how to put in the accent over the "o")
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I've Moved
Wow! I never knew moving would be so much of an adventure! Mom, Dad, Ben, and I left for Montana on Saturday July 31st. The beginning of our journey was to drive to Cedar Rapids Iowa. In Indianapolis we had a minor hiccup. As we were turning around in the Anderson area (Mom missed the road she wanted us to take) the serpentine belt came off on the van. Ben had experience with this problem and we were able to safely make it to a gas station, get out of the rain, and try and fix it on our own. Ben had fixed it but for getting it around the last part when a guy beside us asked if we needed jumped. We explained the situation and he told us he was a mechanic. He took a look at it, then directed us to his house across the street and fixed it in his garage. I was amazed by how God intervened in this matter. After that we had no real issues with the vehicles.
The nest day we went from Cedar Rapids, Iowa to Minot, North Dakota. We drove about 11 hours. It was wonderful to watch the scenery change. In North Dakota we stayed at an interesting hotel and supported local business by eating supper at the Rolling Pin Restaurant.
On Monday we arrived in Lustre, Montana close to 1 pm Mountain time. We were greeted by a slew of people who were cleaning the school and my apartment. We went to the HS for some lunch, then helped them finish cleaning. I was so impressed with how hard working everyone was. It made me smile to know that I was not in the company of lazy people.
After a few hours we moved in all my boxes and began unpacking. We were invited over to the president of the HS's house to eat dinner. We were blessed by their hospitality. My parents and Ben still aren't sure what type of meat they ate. It might have been venison.

By Tuesday we were unpacked and had things mostly together. The satellite TV man came and we went shopping in Glasgow after he was finished. I was forced to drive to town so that I can get used to traveling on gravel roads. Whew! I'm definitely not a fan of the roads. By the end of the trip the vibrations from the gravel was making me a little sick. I also struggled with grocery shopping because I've never had to stock my cupboards before. I was so blessed to be able to pay with money I received from others. It just reminds me that God provides for our needs, and I need only to trust Him!
Today was a little bittersweet. My parents and Ben left for home. I know that everything will be just fine, but I will miss the company of my friends and family dearly. For tomorrow and Friday, I am hoping to put in a half day at each school. I need to start preparing for the school year, and familiarizing myself with the materials and resources. I also hope to go to the Wadopana Pow Wow Celebration in Wolf Point and see a Rodeo at the Northeast Montana Fair in Glasgow this weekend. I wish it didn't cost about $8.00's in gas just to get to town though.
Here's a few more pictures of my new home. If you want to see all my pictures so far, look at my facebook, or just ask and I can send you a link.

On Monday we arrived in Lustre, Montana close to 1 pm Mountain time. We were greeted by a slew of people who were cleaning the school and my apartment. We went to the HS for some lunch, then helped them finish cleaning. I was so impressed with how hard working everyone was. It made me smile to know that I was not in the company of lazy people.
After a few hours we moved in all my boxes and began unpacking. We were invited over to the president of the HS's house to eat dinner. We were blessed by their hospitality. My parents and Ben still aren't sure what type of meat they ate. It might have been venison.
By Tuesday we were unpacked and had things mostly together. The satellite TV man came and we went shopping in Glasgow after he was finished. I was forced to drive to town so that I can get used to traveling on gravel roads. Whew! I'm definitely not a fan of the roads. By the end of the trip the vibrations from the gravel was making me a little sick. I also struggled with grocery shopping because I've never had to stock my cupboards before. I was so blessed to be able to pay with money I received from others. It just reminds me that God provides for our needs, and I need only to trust Him!
Today was a little bittersweet. My parents and Ben left for home. I know that everything will be just fine, but I will miss the company of my friends and family dearly. For tomorrow and Friday, I am hoping to put in a half day at each school. I need to start preparing for the school year, and familiarizing myself with the materials and resources. I also hope to go to the Wadopana Pow Wow Celebration in Wolf Point and see a Rodeo at the Northeast Montana Fair in Glasgow this weekend. I wish it didn't cost about $8.00's in gas just to get to town though.
Here's a few more pictures of my new home. If you want to see all my pictures so far, look at my facebook, or just ask and I can send you a link.
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